Saturday, February 25, 2006
Design Festa time..

Well the Design Festa is coming up around May 20 and this year I have decieded to take part. (that is if my work contract is renewed...which I will find out about next week!) I am going to make about 20 bags of varying designs and colours. I am trying not to put limits on my creativity when designing my bags too. That way I hope to get some really good designs.
I think another important thing for me to remember when selling my bags at the Design Festa is not to have high expectations of sales. I will be competing with about 6,000 other designers, who will be either selling or showing off their products. The last Design Festa, which was Novemeber last year pulled in 51,000 people so the numbers are there for bag buying potential and also to get my label out there.
The bags that I will be making for the Japanese market will differ compared to what I sell on ebay. Japanese people love cute things, so that's the theme of my new designs. I will still put bags up for sale on ebay and I will be posting the occasional photo of the bags that I am making for the Design Festa.
Here are some bags I have already made and the link for the Design Festa website.